Puzzle Instructions
Someone shines a laser into a large, square space, consisting of 64 smaller square spaces, as shown below.
The arrow indicates the flashlight that is used to shine the laser into the large square. The diagonal lines located in some of the smaller square spaces are mirrors: when the laser hits one of these, it is reflected at a 90 degree angle. The solution for this simple puzzle is shown below.
This puzzle is easy, so to add to the fun, some of the smaller square spaces will be labelled with a capital letter (like "X" or "Y"), and some of the spaces that are labelled in that way contain a hidden mirror.
Your job is to figure out -- using the clues written out to the right of the large square -- which of the smaller spaces contain mirrors, and which direction the mirrors are turned. Once you have figured that out, you will be able to predict the point at which the laser will be reflected out of the large square.
To answer each question, click the point at which the laser will be reflected out of the large square. As the questions get more difficult, more variables and hidden mirrors will be added. You will be asked a total of 10 questions. There is no time limit, but the exercise shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes. Good luck!